Core Impact Areas
Inclusive Communication for Social Behavior Change:
To initiate, scale-up and sustain innovations for increased access to comprehensive, age-appropriate information and other progressive behavior change initiatives on RMNCAH rights and services;
Inclusive Health Service Delivery centered on the client’s unique context and needs:
To initiate, scale-up, strengthen and sustain innovations for increased availability of, access to and utilization of inclusive quality RMNCAH and other health services
Inclusive Health Rights Advocacy:
To be the ‘mouth-piece for the voiceless’, empowering vulnerable persons and communities to advocate for inclusive health policy frameworks and service delivery environments for RMNCAH rights and services.
Inclusive Health Systems Strengthening:
We aspire to be a Centre of Excellency in Capacity Building and Health Systems Strengthening Innovations, especially for inclusive Service Delivery
Inclusive Knowledge Management and Research:
To be a hub for evidence-based information and knowledge gathered and processed through modern scientific research.