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Maternity Foundation Denmark

Inclusive Health Bureau (IHB) collaborates with Maternity Foundation is a Danish NGO, to promote a safer childbirth for women and newborns in Uganda. We use innovative and mobile health solutions and programs to improve maternal and newborn health in low- and middle-income countries.

Our partnership recognizes that every year, 300.000 women and 5 million newborns die to causes related to pregnancy and childbirth. Nearly all of these deaths happen in low- and middle-income countries, and close to 90% of them can be prevented if the woman gives birth with qualified help from a skilled birth attendant. We believe that it shouldn’t cost life to give life!

Maternity Foundation is, therefore, the main technical force behind the Safe Delivery App, a mobile training tool for skilled birth attendants, which is being rolled out across Africa and Asia, and the main resource and medium for implementation of our current Project for Safe Motherhood Skills building through the Safe Delivery App in Uganda

To learn more about the Safe Delivery App, go to